About Me

Hi, I'm Rylie, and I've struggled with weight and compulsive eating for as long as I can remember. At it's worst, I had become so big and unhappy that I would dread leaving the house. It affected almost every aspect of my life.

Eventually, I grew tired of missing out, and started on my way to losing the weight. When I started A Hunger For Happiness, I was two months in, nine kilograms down (around twenty pounds) and already feeling better. I'm using this blog to chronicle the ups and downs of losing weight, keep myself accountable and to join in on the wonderful health blogging community.

I hail from a beautiful part of New South Wales, Australia, right near the coast. I live with my gorgeous fiance and our cat, Lily. I have a wonderful job working for myself as a Speech Pathologist and if I could be paid for bad puns I would be rich. Makeup is an obsession for me, and I own more cosmetics than I could ever possibly use.

If you have questions, comments or just want to say hi, email me at rylieellen[at]gmail[dot]com.


  1. Congratulations on the weight loss, present and future! :) I just followed you!

    1. Thank you! And congrats to you too. The progress pics on your blog are so inspiring.

  2. I am impressed with your honest approach. Your blog is inspiring and the posts motivate to take action. I am happy I found your blog and read what you share here.
