It's been a while since I've weighed in weekly (5 weeks to be exact), but I'm back and have put in the work this week to start getting myself back on track. As I said in my last post, I'd gained about 2 kgs in the past two weeks, after hovering around the same weight for the month that I stopped blogging. It wasn't nearly as much as I had expected to put on, so that was good. Even better is that it's come all straight back off in the past week. How's that for proving to myself that I can do it!
Seeing that big blue chunk after being so many weeks of being unmotivated feels amazing. It helps to know that as soon as I put a few simple steps into practice I see results.
This week I ate with moderation and consideration, exercised 4 days of the week and drank water. I didn't even count kilojoules this week, which is usually the first thing I am sure to do when I want to have a good week. Instead I tried to eat mostly whole foods, and stick to three smaller meals and two snacks. When I could, I kept a mental tally of the kilojoules, but not every day.
Moving forward, I've set myself a short term goal of losing 2 kgs in the next 2 weeks. I've been hovering just under the 20 kgs lost mark for nearly 3 months now, and I think it's about time I reached it. At the moment, I'm at 18.3 kgs lost, so losing 2 kgs will push me definitively beyond that point. If I can do it in 2 weeks, it will also mean that I will achieve it before heading off to Melbourne for a holiday on the 24th of this month.
I'm really happy with how I've done this week, getting myself back into good habits. After more than a month of my brain telling me it was just too hard, it was an incredible relief to see this week how easily I could get back into them. I just need to remember for next time it feels hard, that it really isn't. It's probably just my negativity and food addiction getting the better of me.